Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2014 FB Highlights: RIP Robin Williams

Originally Posted: 8-11-14

So, I was surprised by Robin Williams like everybody else, but for some reason one of my first thoughts was "that makes sense." At least, to the extent that suicide ever makes sense.

I read one his interviews where he was supposed to be promoting his new show, and even in the blurb that popped up on google, the interviewer noted that he was talking more about bad decisions and regrettable behavior than sticking to the supposed subject. It's clear that he had been struggling with some serious demons for a long time.

It would be crass for me to pretend I was a huge fan. I preferred to take his stuff in single doses. But everybody I know, even others who didn't really care for him, can name at least one of his performances that they either tremendously enjoyed or respected. In order, my favorite things by him were Aladdin, Dead Poet Society, Good Will Hunting, Insomnia, Mrs. Doubtfire, his HBO stand up special, and his appearance on Who's Line.

Each one of those performances were excellent and together they demonstrate a marvelous, magical range. Even though I thought "that makes sense," the news also hurt. More than I would have guessed. Genie, John Keating, Sean Maguire, Walter Finch, Mrs. Doubtfire, I hope you all found peace. You are missed.

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